Unfortunately Strom had to be put down, having eaten a lot of indigestible wood
Chris Jefferies confirms:
There were two cats at Halley when I arrived in 1963 Kista, and Strom a black male
who unfortunately died mysteriously during the year. Gordon Bowra did an
autopsy and found a large ball of wood shavings in his stomach which was almost
certainly the cause of death. I have a photo of him and Kista if anyone is interested. [28 August 2006]
Peter Noble:
Regarding the names of the Halley cats: I recall they were Kista and Dan
(not Dillon) after the Jack Laurentsen ship of the same name. [12 September 2006]
See also articles by Walter Townsend,
Roger Tiffin and Hwfa Jones.
See also Halley Bay Cats on the "Purr-n-Fur" website.