Looking approximately south, a shaft-top scene typical of any of the subsurface bases Halley I-IV. The base itself is far below the snow surface.
The access shaft top has a light (useful only in the winter), a gantry for hauling heavy or awkward loads,
access ladder, feeder cables to the radio-communication rhombic aerial, the flag (of course),
and the Underground sign which was there for many years. Nearby is one of the ubiquitous shovels.
Another shaft top is visible in the background. Snocat with rear extension. The arms of the signpost which are visible read:
London 8870; Mobster Creek 3; Cape Town 3180; Sanae 590; Everest 8125; Tottanfjella 256;
Gryviken 1462; 3rd Chip 2. The latter shows how close to the coast the base was.
[Comments by Andy Smith, 26/05/2002]. More.