In reply to a query in Zfids Newsletter No. 8, about why the piano was
painted white, John Skipworth writes: "As Ron was my particular friend on Base, indeed he was my best man a
year or so later, so I hope he will forgive me, I suggest that the reason for
painting the piano white, was quite simple ... perhaps after hearing it
played, a music lover might have painted it white to disguise it, on the off chance
that if it was taken out of the hut being dragged up to the surface it would
blend in with the snow and be lost for ever!" [13 Jun 2006]. In fact the paint job was
done in 1972 by Iain Campbell and Tony Jackson after they had recovered it to Halley-2.
See Iain's account and
1969 picture. It was abandoned at Halley-2; see picture.