
Of those listed in the Name Index, the following had received the Polar Medal up to 1999 [Source: British Polar Exploration and Research by W. Poulsom and J.A.L. Myres, Savannah Publications, London, 2000]

L.R. Airey
D.G. Allan
A. Amphlett
P.S. Anderson
E.K.P. Back
J.T. Bailey
L.W. Barclay
M.H. Bell
W.H. Bellchambers
I.C. Beney
A. Blackie
R.E. Bowler
G.T. Bowra
P.M. Brenan
B.K. Brooker
J.M.C. Burton
D.L.M. Cansfield
J.F. Carter
E.J. Chinn
P.D. Clarkson
L. Constantine
P.J. Cooper
A.R.F. Dalgliesh
D.G. Dalgliesh
N.B. Dean
H.E.G. Dyer
B.G. Ellis
W.A. Etchells
R. Evans
S. Evans
D.D.W. Fletcher
D.P. Harrison
P. Jeffries
D.R. Jehan
C. Johnson
L.M. Juckes
S.J. Lawrence
C.F. Le Feuvre
A.G. Lewis
D.W.S. Limbert
R.M. Lloyd
J. MacDowall
B. Mallon
F. Morris
B.W. Newham
J.N. Norman
H.M. O'Gorman
D.A. Peel
B.J. Peters
M. Pinnock
K.E.C. Powell
D.R.O. Prior
J.E. Raymond
M.C. Rose
M.M. Samuel
L.J. Shirtcliffe
W.M. Sievwright
R.A. Smart
A. Smith
A.J. Smith
J.A. Smith
A.G. Spearey
M.R. Sumner
G.M. Thomas
R.H. Thomas
D.T. Tribble
A.C. Wager
D.G. Ward
G.E. Watson
P.I. Whiteman
L.P. Whittamore
D.P. Wild
J.K. Wilson
R.J. Worsfold
E.J. Wright
K.H. Yearby

The following is a possibly incomplete list of recipients since 1999. Please let me know of any omissions.

V.J. Auld
S.R. Colwell
P.W. Cousens
J.A. Davies
P.G. Fielder
A. Fryckowska
N. Gregory
S.V. Hinde
T.A. Lachlan-Cope
R.S. Ladkin
P.C.D. Lens
P.M. Lurcock
S. Marshall
B.R. Norrish
D.C. Routledge
M. Stewart
J.C. Withers

The following have been awarded the Fuchs Medal (up to 2013) [Source: BAS Club website]:
Doug Allan
Kenn Back
Bob Bowler
Steve Eadie
Tony Escott
Alan ("Dad") Etchells
David Fletcher
Alex Gaffikin
Russ Ladkin
Stuart Lawrence
Ashley ("Ash") Morton
Jack Scotcher
Al Smith

3 March 2025
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