Exploring Halley 3

by Nigel Dean

As for visiting Halley 3 my self and Simon the doctor (winter of '94) abseiled down the ice cliff on to the sea ice and then entered the base. The tunnel was about 6ft up from sea Ice level. There was a shaft made from joined together fuel drums. Was this for a melt tank or ventilation? The tunnel was quite distorted but it was still possible to move around. From memory there were bunk rooms that we passed through and at the end of the tunnel was a dark room and I believe the doctors surgery. There were still quite a lot of items inside. The bunk rooms were very early as they still had some soft furnishings and some personal pictures and the like. I do have some pictures but they are all on slides I will try and get the scanned for the DVD. I believe that some of the other guys also had a look round a bit later but I am not sure. There were "safety" issues so it would have been done with out HQ being told...... It was a real eye opener. having wintered above ground I can imagine that an under ice winter would have been a lot harder.
28 May 2005

See also: Last visit from the surface.

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