Other information, anecdotes etc.
The handover of the base from the Royal Society Expedition to FIDS took place at midnight
13/14 January 1959.
Mick Blackwell describes the International Geophysical Cooperation (IGC) at Halley Bay in 1959,
and how he got involved.
Michael Sheret comments on the first year of FIDS at Halley Bay.
David Limbert, commenting on Z-Fids Newsletter No. 14, says:
"The folk at Halley should count themselves lucky to be able to look out of
windows and see the sun. The troglodytes of the IGYE and FID years had to
climb up a through a shaft and poke their heads above the snow surface. Even
Stumpy our dog in 1959 lived in a kennel outside." [14 Sep 2007]
The Chippantodd Creeks - David Limbert