Photo: George Hemmen
Raymond, Limbert, Powell, Watson, Le Feuvre, Dalgliesh R, Lush, Dalgliesh D, Evans, Prior.
"From left to right we have Johnny Raymond - chief builder carpenter, Dave
Limbert- Met man, Ken Powell (Casey) doggy man (sorry no dogs)- diesel mech
electrician, Major Gus Watson(REME) - chief scientist,
Charlie Le Feuvre (ex SAS signals) -wireless operator, Captain Robin
Dalgliesh ex dragoon guards- general handy man. Lt George Lush(RN) - Tractor
driver-cargo supreme all round work-a holic, Surgeon Commander David
Dalgliesh (RN) - Expedition leader -ex Marguerite Bay with Bunny Fuchs, Dr
Stan Evans (ex Jodrell Bank) -Aurora, Ozone, Surveyor and anything requiring
physics, Doug Prior (Johnny Raymond's brother in law) - carpenter and builder
(He and Johny ) built the first Bar and lounge to look like a 'olde world
pub'." [Thanks to Dave Limbert for providing this image and caption.]