Halley Bay - 1972


Notable events/features of the year


SmithA.J.(Andy)BC, VLF
AchesonK.J.(Kevin 'Kev')Physiologist
BranghamP.G.(Paul 'Chippy')Builder
BuryI.T.(Ian 'Eeee')Cook
+FlickJ.J.(John)Radio Operator
JacksonA.L.(Tony 'Torchy')Electrician
RamageG.H.P.(Gordon)Tractor Mech
StonehamH.G.(Toby)Tractor Mech
+ Deceased


Abdul, April, Arkid, Audrey, Beorn, Brae, Chey II, Colic, Craven, Elsa, Fin, Freckles, Frodo, Frosty, Ham, Helix, Isolde, Jock III, Kirstie, Kunute, Lassie II, Michelle, Mitral, Mitya, Muff, Pat, Pippin, Ratti, Seletar, Sharjah, Shem, Strider, Tengah, Woolfe.


Base photo:
Halley Bay base photo, 1972
R Loan - T Stoneham - T Thomas - R Daynes - I Bury - B Blackwell - P Jones - P Brangham - N Eddleston
J Donaldson - G Ramage - J Flick - G Devine - K Acheson - T Jackson - D Fletcher - A Smith - B Jenkins
(inset at top: D Habgood - T Boyt - K Stewardson - I Campbell)
Picture by Norman Eddleston
Alternative version

Tractor recovery team:

Tractor recovery team
The IH tractor recovery team (left to right): Gordon Ramage, Dave Fletcher, Bruce Blackwell, Ian Bury. More.
Picture by Gordon Ramage

Golfing pictures, taken 12 December 1972

Andy's pictures

Oral History Recordings

Other information, anecdotes etc.

Norman Eddleston writes:
The diary check I did ended up as a two hour wallow in nostalgia but I was surprised to read about many events that had completely slipped my mind. Apparently I made quite a bit of mead in those days. Amazing. [29 April 2002]

Iain Campbell:

The piano was recovered from Halley 1 and painted by Tony Jackson and myself. We spent two weekends digging it out; then towed it back to base in the dark but got lost on the way. I don't quite know how but we finished up back at Halley 1 before getting the direction right. I always thought there was something a bit surreal about two blokes towing a piano on a sledge in the middle of the Antarctic. [13 June 2006]

The Halley Underground Sign by John Flick

Free running in a caboose by Iain Campbell

1972 Splode (Midwinter magazine)

Halley 1972 scans. Includes (includes Midwinter menu and all Splode editions - plus a few extras), courtesy of Norman Eddleston and Tony Jackson

Audio cassette, June 1972

Audio tape 1972 (with one section from 1971)


Summer 1971-72

+GippsD.R.(Derek)Logistics Officer
LawrenceS.J.(Stuart)Officer, Bransfield

Stuart Lawrence says:

1971/1972 First visit by Self together with Chris Elliott; travelled in style from Ship to Base seated on deck chairs on a BAS Cargo Sledge. Every visit thereafter provided responsibilities, pleasures (illicit ski-doo rides), challenges, problems and rewards which convinced me to stay with BAS until retirement in 2003. Many thanks to all at BAS HQ, Halley, and all Bases for my myriad of memories. [24 April 2014]

17 Feb 2025
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